Quick Links
To answer some of your questions as quickly as possible, we’ve compiled a list of those most frequently asked by OCS parents. Be sure to read more throughout this website and in our student handbooks (in the quick links on the Home page) as well as the ECSD FAQ page so you’re well-informed and prepared to support your child through a successful educational journey.
Do students have to attend a full day of school in their senior year?
Students in grades 9–11 must enroll in a full day of classes. Senior students, however, may be able to leave early for work privilege with the principal’s permission if they have met all of their graduation requirements and they are employed or participate in the Owyhee Community Hospital Volunteer Program.
Can students change a schedule they are unhappy with?
We will make class changes only for the following reasons:
Ability to do the work
Semester and nine-week grades
Teacher recommendation
Post-secondary goals
Availability of optional courses
Graduation requirements
If a student believes the above criteria justifies the change, he/she should contact the counselor’s office. The student must remain in the original class until the class change is approved.