Home Ec quilts for Pre-K

Pre-K Quilts

          The Home Economics Sewing classes worked diligently matching, designing, putting together, and sewing quilts for the Owyhee Combined School Pre-Kindergarten class. The quilts are to be used at rest time, or when it’s very cold. They were gifted to the students and the Pre-K will take them home at the end of the year. Teacher Amelia Scissons is proud of her students’ efforts in completing and helping complete all the quilts.

          The high school students were just as excited as the younger students to present them with their individual projects. Senior Lacy Roa hand-stitched her quilt, which she presented to Hopper. Aleeyah Knight found it difficult to give up the quilt she worked so hard on and eventually gave to Sonora. Other students selected friends or family members to gift with their handmade quilts.

          The sewing classes have also made and presented pillows for the Daycare program students. This semester the sewing classes are working on ribbon skirts and shirts in addition to their community service quilts and pillows. Before the winter break, Lynn John gave a presentation on ribbon skirts and brought her own designs to the classroom.

          Home Ec and FCCLA have been busy this year, sponsoring a Halloween carnival in November and a craft fair in December.

          In 2020, then Home Ec teacher Pamela King had her class work on quilts for two very special students, who, prior to receiving their own quilts, had to share a blanket at nap time. Her class had been making patchwork pillows when they received a request from the Special Education paraprofessional for a blanket so the students could each have their own. When the students found out who the quilts were for, they were all in. The quilts, teacher and class were featured in an article in a national magazine “Quiltfolk.”

          Scissons hopes her students will continue to learn, enjoy and create their sewing projects.